Taking care of your art

Standard Framing is used for reproductions, posters, photographs, or any flat art. Frames can be made of wood or aluminum with the art protected under glass or plastic. Mats can also be used to coordinate the art with the surroundings in which it will hang.

Conservation Framing, also referred to as museum quality framing, is used for limited editions, originals, etc. It is similar to standard framing with a few important exceptions. All materials that are in direct contact with the art are made to strict standards. They do not contain any substances that will in any way cause damage. Frames can be manufactured of wood or aluminum with the art protected by ultraviolet absorbing glass. Mats must be used to prevent art from coming in direct contact with the glass.

Mounting is made using conservation corners where possible or museum hinges. The art is mounted to a hinged conservation quality mount board and NOT to the back of the window mat.

CAUTION: Peoply are often advised to request "acid-free" framing when purchasing fine-art, limited edition print or any original art. DO NOT confuse "acid-free" with "conservation" or "museum" quality, most products used in the framing industry are manufactured without acid. Conservation materials also contain no lignin or alum, and have a slightly alkaline PH factor.

Old Western Cowboy


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